Sunday, April 13, 2008


In yoga breath is said to be the interface between the physical body and the mind. The power of breathing practice to change your state of mind is extremely strong. A breathing practice can last anything from two minutes to half an hour or more.

Tips to follow when practicing Breathing or Pranayama:
Find a quiet place where you won't be distracted. If doing the exercises inside, make sure the window is open to allow plenty of fresh air into the room.
At first practise pranayama lying down and then gradually aim to sit upright with your spine straight.
Breathe evenly through the nose throughout the postures.
Never strain your breathing in pranayama.
Breathe deeply and slowly.
Progress slowly and carefully.
If you feel dizzy or light-headed, return to normal breathing.
Ask a friend to stay with you when trying out a new technique.
Do not rush things and practice all exercises as slowly as you can.

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